Becoming a prism of God’s light in liturgy and life

We will proclaim the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ with worship that is catholic, celebrative, and participatory, so that the faithful will be nourished and so that the seeker may encounter in worship the living Lord.

Sunday worship is the heartbeat of a vital church. At Church of the Servant we seek to express our faith in worship services that glorify God and build us up for lives of service as God’s people.


Church of the Servant liturgies draw upon a wide range of Christian sources and traditions. All of our liturgies follow the same basic structure, a structure inspired by the example of the early church and used today in churches of many different denominations. This structure has two main focal points: Word and Sacrament. In Scripture and sermon we hear God speaking to us; in the sacraments we experience the assurance that the promises of the gospel are “for real,” and we become united more closely to Christ and to one another: The Lord’s Supper, therefore, forms a regular part of our weekly morning worship. When baptism is not administered as part of the service, the baptismal font is often carried forward in procession at an appropriate point in the liturgy as a sign of our redemption and new life in Christ.


Our worship celebrates the mighty acts of God in history and the good news of God’s grace in our lives The various seasons of the church year; such as Advent, Lent, Easter and Pentecost, draw us into active remembrance of decisive events in the life of Christ and the building of God’s kingdom. In the sacraments we receive and respond to Christ’s self-giving with joy and gratitude. Although our liturgies are carefully structured we do not want them to be stiff and formal. There is always room for spontaneity-laughter; tears, clapping, even dancing. Freedom within structure is one of the hallmarks of our worship.


At Church of the Servant, worship is not a spectator activity; everyone is invited to become an active participant. Our liturgies include many sections in which we are all are asked to speak or sing.

We share the peace of Christ with our neighbors. We leave our seats to present our offerings. We walk forward, form circles, and minister the body and blood of Christ to each other at communion. Even younger children have their parts to play. They frequently come forward to witness baptism first hand, and they process out for Children’s Worship during a part of the service.

Opportunities for worship leadership abound. Members of the congregation regularly read Scripture, lead in prayer; and offer testimonies. Others provide musical leadership as cantors or instrumentalists. Still others give form to faith by means of liturgical dance and art. For more hands-on involvement in the Church of the Servant worship program, contact Greg Scheer, minister of worship.