
Ages 0-2 ½
Jana, our nursery supervisor, warmly welcomes our youngest church attendees to our safe, creative and fun nursery space. In addition to Jana, our nursery is staffed with volunteers from our congregation who are eager to share God’s love with these children. A check-in system and pagers ensure that nursery staff will be able to reach the parents if the need arises. Nursery is available during all worship services, the 10am Church School hour, and Wednesday Night Programming.

Little Lambs

Ages 2 ½ – 5
Just before the Sunday morning sermon, children 2 ½ years old through 2nd grade are called to the front of the worship space to receive a blessing from the congregation before they are dismissed to hear God’s stories in their own worship space. After singing a song with all the classes in the Children’s Ministry Hallway, our Little Lambs (ages 2 ½ through 5) head off to their classrooms to hear a Bible story that is reinforced through play-dough, coloring pages, crafts or other age-appropriate activities. Parents are not required to walk with them to their classrooms but must pick them up following the worship services.

Children in Worship

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade
Just before the Sunday morning sermon, children 2 ½ years old through 2nd grade are called to the front of the worship space to receive a blessing from the congregation before they are dismissed to hear God’s stories in their own worship space. After singing a song with all the classes in the Children’s Ministry Hallway, our Children in Worship Kids (CW Kids, grades K-2) head off to their classrooms to participate in an age-appropriate worship service. Just like our main worship service, CW kids experience the 4 main parts of worship: gathering, word, table, sending. They are able to hear the stories of our faith in a more intimate setting and respond to it in age-appropriate ways. Their experience in the Children in Worship classrooms makes the transition to worshiping with the larger congregation smooth and meaningful.

Children’s Worship Help Bags

Elementary-age children who stay in the worship space
For elementary-age children who stay in the main worship service, Children’s Worship Help Bags are provided near the entry doors to the worship space. These bags contain paper, pencils, markers, object(s) to keep hands quiet but busy, and a sermon question provided by the preacher each week. To encourage our younger worshipers to listen to the sermon, every child who turns in their answer(s) to the sermon question will receive a reward in their church mailbox (or at the back of the Basic English Service worship space) the following Sunday.

Church School Classes

Pre-K – Adults
Church of the Servant provides many opportunities for children through adults to grow and strengthen their faith. From mid-September through mid-May we offer church school classes from 10-10:45am for 4-year-olds through adults. Classes are led by caring, knowledgeable, and thought-provoking Christian volunteers who are members of our church. Our content is steeped in the Reformed tradition and progresses from teaching the stories of the Bible (pre-k – 5th grade) to Heidelberg Catechism & Foundational Theology (6th-8th grade) to Bible Overview & Developing a Christian Worldview (9th-10th grade) to preparing students to defend and keep the faith (11th-12th grade) to sermon-related discussions (adults). Classes are held throughout the church. Follow the signage or stop at the Welcome Table for exact classroom locations. Nursery is available for 0-3 year olds.

Intergenerational Church School Experience – 1st Sunday of the Month

To foster a greater sense of community and fellowship among all of our members and church attenders, we offer an Intergenerational Church School Experience on the first Sunday of every month, October through May. Children and adults of all ages are encouraged to join us in the café as we seek to know God and our neighbors more deeply.

Wednesday Night Programming

2nd – 6th Grade
Boys Club and Girls Club for 2nd-6th graders meets from 6:30-8pm on the first three Wednesdays of the month, Oct. – April. Inspiring and thought-provoking devotions, crafts, projects, and activities are led by energetic adults with a passion for passing on their faith to this next generation. Members of COS offer their leadership and expertise to provide camp outs, derby cars, science experiments, arts and crafts, self-defense or other intriguing topics to help these kids grow in their understanding that our God is Lord over all of creation. Boys Club meets in Fellowship Room 5, Girls Club meets in Fellowship Room 4. Church dinners are also provided from 5:30-6:30 on the first three Wednesdays. Dinner Cost: $6, $4 children ages 5-12.


We continue to offer Little Lambs and Summer Enrichment programming during our worship services for children 3 years old through graduated 1st graders throughout the summer months.

Vacation Bible School is offered every summer. Dates, times and theme will be announced in the spring.