Yesterday the Joyful Noise Orchestra led worship. It’s always fun when they lead, because they are so many new faces, and well… what’s not to love? Every Trinity season we use the Ken Medema song “Out of the Babble/God of the Word” as our prayer of illumination. It was refreshing to hear a little twist on a COS standard with this orchestral accompaniment. Another moment of personal satisfaction was singing the lectionary Psalm. Psalm 14 is not the most inspiring Psalm of the 150, but we’ve committed to singing the lectionary Psalm every week so I looked high and low for a good musical setting. I found a solid setting in the Psalter Hymnal. Since I had all those instruments at my disposal, I decided to sweeten the setting even more with some added instrumental parts. The result is nothing fancy, but it felt like an achievement to hear the congregation sing one of the more difficult Psalms. Listen to the recording of Psalm 14: “The Foolish in Their Hearts Deny.”