Missionary Assessment Evaluation Form for prisoners interested in partnering with the Prisoners in Christ ministry.

The following is a questionnaire that has been prepared to evaluate the qualifications and ability to be entrusted with the privilege and responsibility of representing your prison community of believers on behalf of a sending church in free society.

Please complete the form answering every question to the best of your ability. Upon completion, return it to us for consideration. In the event that you meet the criterion, we will continue with a final interview. Thank you for your interest in furthering the Christian agenda within the prisons.

1. Are you familiar with the anointing of the Holy Spirit? Please explain.
2. Have you received the anointing of the Holy Spirit? If yes, how would you describe this being confirmed to you?
3. How has this affected your daily life?
4. When did you confess the Lord?
5. How did you come to know Jesus Christ?
6. How often do you help others who are contending for the gospel?
7. Name some of the people who you are actively involved with in assisting in their faith walk.
Describe how you help them.
8. When you find others living in practice of idolatry and hypocrisy, how does that cause you to feel, and how do you react?
9. Why do you feel called to serve in the mission field?
10. Have you identified your spiritual gift(s)? Please describe them.
11. In what ways are you developing your spiritual gift(s)?, and how are you using them to serve others around you?
12. How do you see God being glorified through the use of your spiritual gifts?
13. How well do you feel you fulfill your vows to the Lord in the presence of other people?
14. To whom do you declare the things that God has done for you?
15. Because of Christ dying on the cross for you, how do you view you life now?
16. How openly do you confess Christ to others?
17. How well would you say that you are following after Christ, walking as he walked?
18. What, if anything, do you fell you need to mature in? And, how are you working to improve those issues, if any?
19. What is your most valued relationship that you are involved in?
20. How do you feel about suffering for Christ, and suffering with others who are suffering for Christ?
How does being a holy example before men pertain to you?
21. How closely do you watch over your life and the example you lead?
22. How much of your daily conversation is dedicated to the things of God and His works?
23. How often do you invite others to receive the gospel?
24. How often do you seek to build up fellow believers and in what ways?
25. How do you feel about warning and correcting fellow believers when you see them falling into sinful practices?
26. Are you involved in a teaching practice or relationship where your main purpose is teaching the word of God? Also, please name relationships.
27. Are you receiving teaching from a fellow prisoner? If yes, how do you study? How helpful is this to you, and please name who you value your teaching from.
28. How are you assisting others around you who are ministering the word of God?
29. How prepared are you to answer others when they have personal questions regarding your faith?
30.At this time in your life, what responsibility do you feel God has entrusted to you and how well do you feel you’re managing it?
31.If Jesus Christ were to return in the flesh to accompany you for 2 weeks, what would you do differently? What would you do more? What would you do less? What would you do with Him?
32.What recommendations do you have that would help advance the spiritual growth of your Christian community?
33. What could be done to better minister to the non-believers where you are housed?
34.Is there anything that you think could be improved upon at your facility concerning your religious programs?
35.If you were entrusted with a missionary position, to what lengths would you go to protect the integrity of the programs that we plan to implement?

36.Would you be willing to commit to and live by the following ten principles:

  1. Meditate daily on the teachings of Jesus Christ
  2. Remember to abstain from violence and seek justice and reconciliation for the better interest of your community
  3. Walk, talk, and Live in the manner of love for all
  4. Pray daily to be used by God in order that all men and women might be free in Christ
  5. Sacrifice personal wishes making others more important than yourself
  6. Observe with both friend and foe the ordinary rules of courtesy
  7. Seek to perform services regularly for others and for the world
  8. Refrain from the violence of fist, tongue, or heart.
  9. Strive to be in good spiritual and bodily health
  10. Follow the directions of mentors, teachers, and administrative authorities

37.Are you able to follow these vows with diligence? Are there any that you have a problem with?

38.Are you guilty of the crime that you are incarcerated for? If you are innocent, what is being done regarding your conviction?

39. Are you still in the process of pursuing the appeal of your conviction?

40. Have you sought to make contact with the victims or their families with hope of expressing remorse for what occurred?

41. Would you be willing to contact your victim or his/her family in an attempt to make amends?
42. When do you plan to be released from prison?
43. What plans do you have upon your release?
44. Would you be willing to serve in a post-release project where you would devote a great amount of your time to the ministry of the gospel throughout the country?
45. Do you have any family members that you would like to involve in your ministry work?
46. Do you have any question that you would like to address to us?
47. Do you have anyone who you believe would be interested in receiving our newsletter? Names/addresses

Troy Rienstra 202-107
Standish Maximum Correctional Facility
4713 W. M-61
Standish, MI 48658