
  • COS Plants ‘Celebration Fellowship’ — A Prison Congregation.  Covered by the Grand Rapids Press.
  • The Christian Century is devoted to our prison system, and includes a piece by Troy Rienstra called “Partners in the Gospel,” about the prison ministry at Standish. To read Troy’s article and others about the prison system, click here.
  • The June 9, 2005, issue of USA Today has a front-page story titled “After Years in Solitary, Freedom Hard to Grasp: Ex-Cons Face Long Odds on Release From Isolation.” It reviews how difficult it is for prisoners to re-enter society, especially those who have been in solitary confinement – a number which has greatly increased in recent years. The article makes reference to government efforts to help released felons adjust to freedom when the Clinton administration in 1999 formed “re-entry courts” to help thousands of felons each year get housing, jobs, and mental health services. What about the promotion of “re-entry churches”? One inmate commented about the nature of his re-entry: “It was like being released to a dark room, knowing that there are steps in front of you and waiting to fall.”



Prisoners in Christ blog

Criminal Justice Chaplaincy

Prison Fellowship

Crossroad Bible Institute

CRC Office of Social Justice: Restorative Justice

Report from the CRC Synodical Committee to Study Restorative Justice – PDF, 41 pages

Death Penalty Discourse Network

Prison Creative Arts Project

Speak Up for Hope Ministry

Citizens Alliance on Prisons & Public Spending

Michigan Department of Corrections

Public Policy Associates

Restorative Justice Online

Prison Congregations of America

Re-Entry Policy Council