Barrie Evans (and wife Nancy) serve in translation consultancy for SIL (Wycliffe Bible Translators) and other organizations. Barrie and Nancy became members of Church of the Servant in 1985, and COS was their commissioning church for Christian Reformed World Missions in 1985. COS has been a supporting church ever since.

Barrie and Nancy Evans

Description of work: Barrie works in translation consultancy and supervision.
Agency: Barrie consults with several organizations:

Location: Barrie works from the United Kingdom.
  • 1985-1996 with CRWM in Guinea, West Africa.
  • 1996-2000 for CRWM (finishing NT translation), also teaching for SIL and the Portuguese Bible Institute, Lisbon.
  • 2000 – teaching, translating consultancy and now supervision for SIL and other clients mentioned above. He is currently the Eurasia Area Translation Coodinator for SIL.
Highlights of mission: Directly learning (West African) Islamic culture by living in a West African community.