The Michigan Department of Corrections Parole Board has determined the following regarding Troy Rienstra’s parole: “The majority of the Parole...
Understanding Racism Workshop: March 3-5
An Understanding Racism Workshop will be held March 3-5, 2011, at Madison Square Church. This 2.5-day experience is designed to raise...
Community Rallies Around Shooting Victim
Read and watch about Pierre Camy and his recovery, in this FOX17 story.
Celebration Fellowship Book Study: Dwelling with Philippians
The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship has published an article about the widespread use of a unique devotional book titled...
"Our Generation" Newsletter, Dec. 2010 Issue
A new issue of “Our Generation,” a publication of Christians for Prisoners/Prisoners for Christ, was released in December. –> Download...
Sermon Recordings: 2011
We also have sermons from other years. For recordings of Faith and Science: A Dialogue, visit here. You should be...
Jan. 9 Evening Service: Celebration Fellowship
Former members and volunteer partners of the Celebration Fellowship prison congregation will lead the 6:00 p.m. worship service on Jan....
January Adult Education Series: “Ministry In and Out of Prison”
Sundays, 10-10:45 a.m. ……………………………………………… Jan. 9: Celebration Fellowship – Its Vision, Goals and Ministry Pastor-developer Rich Rienstra, along with volunteer...
COS Welcomes Lori Wiersma, Minister of Administration
Church of the Servant welcomes Lori Wiersma as our Minister of Administration. This new position oversees the entire administration of the...
December Adult Education Offerings
Sundays, 10-10:45 a.m. ………………………………………………. Dec. 5: Two Weeks in Palestine Barbara Carvill and Mary Vander Goot will reflect on their...
Advent & Christmastide Services
Dec. 5 – Sunday, Advent II 8:30 & 11:00am Rev. Jack Roeda – Professions of Faith 6:00pm “Promises Continued”* –...
October-November Adult Education Offerings
All offerings are scheduled on Sundays from 10-10:45 a.m. Fall Stewardship Series, continued: Oct. 10: Stewardship of the inner life:...