Attentive worshipers will have noticed that we have been using a variety of musical settings of the Lord’s Prayer throughout...
Ministry Staff Report, September 2012
Church of the Servant has published its annual update from the ministry staff. To read it, download a PDF copy...
“Faith & Science: A Dialogue” Continues in October
How can we reconcile the creation accounts in Genesis with the findings of modern science? How can we engage in...
Reflections on Prison Work: Sept. 13
Christians for Prisoners/Prisoners for Christ is co-sponsoring with The Micah Center’s Beyond Prisons Work Group a talk by Adria Libolt about her...
COS Welcomes Trent Elders as Youth & Young Adult Director
Church of the Servant is pleased to welcome Trent Elders as Youth & Young Adult Director, starting August 1. Trent...
COS Welcomes Annette Ediger as Minister of Faith Formation and JoAnn Beattie as Treasurer
Church of the Servant welcomed Annette Ediger as our Minister of Faith Formation in May. In this role, Annette is...
Christians for Prisoners Sponsors Life Change Seminar
Christians for Prisoners is sponsoring an ongoing Life Change Seminar in collaboration with a group of prisoners at R.A. Handlon Correctional...
COS Seeks Youth & Young Adult Director
Church of the Servant CRC (Grand Rapids, Mich.) is seeking a qualified person to provide leadership for ministries to adolescent youth...
Liturgy Lesson: Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed
We modern Christians have mixed feelings about singing “blood” songs. We understand Christ’s blood to be a necessary part of...
Holy Week Services
April 1, Palm Sunday, 8:30 & 11:00am (6:00pm at Coit Community Church) Our worship begins with a procession of palms....
Faith and Science: A Dialogue – Audio Recordings
How can we reconcile the creation accounts in Genesis with the findings of evolutionary and cosmological science? How can we...
Christians for Prisoners in the News
Christians for Prisoners/Prisoners for Christ (CfP/PfC), an outreach ministry of Church of the Servant, was mentioned in a Feb. 22,...