An epic adventure awaits kids at Kingdom Rock! This summer, plan to send your children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors to...
Summer Enrichment Begins May 26
Sunday, May 26, marks the beginning of our summer enrichment program for children. Programming for 3-year-olds through current 1st graders...
Summer 2013 Worship Schedule
Beginning June 23, we will have one Sunday morning worship service in the sanctuary, at 10:00am. The Basic English Service...
Liturgy Lesson: There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy
Lent is a time of penitence, but like too much in our spiritual lives, we often try to do it...
Holy Week Services, March 2013
March 24, Palm Sunday, 8:30 & 11:00am (nursery available, infants to age 3) The Palm Sunday worship service will begin...
Grand Rapids Justice Conference: Sat., April 6, 2013
Prisoners in Christ (a COS outreach ministry formerly called Christians for Prisoners/Prisoners for Christ) is participating in the Grand Rapids Justice Conference...
Ministry Staff Update, March 2013
Church of the Servant has published its biannual update from the ministry staff. To read it, download a PDF copy...
Liturgy Lesson: Hard Work
I have a friend who claims that churches which sing only quickly learned, easily understood songs display a lazy, self-centered...
“Faith & Science: A Dialogue” Continues in February
Questions surrounding the intersection of modern science and the Christian faith have prompted scientists, philosophers, and theologians at Church of...
Meeting Summary: Jan. 8 Congregational Information Meeting
A summary of the Jan. 8, 2013, congregational information meeting has been distributed in member mailboxes. To read it online,...
Liturgy Lesson: Magnificat
On this first day of the liturgical New Year, and throughout Advent, we’ll be singing a Magnificat instead of the...
Liturgy Lesson: A New Hymnal?
Churches mark time with hymnals, their collective memory shaped by each new season of song. This summer a new era...