Generation to Generation Capital Campaign

One generation commends
your works to another;
they tell of your mighty acts.
—Psalm 145:4

Campaign pledge period: September 8–November 3, 2013

September 8 marks the public launch of our three-year, $1.8 million Generation to Generation (Gen2Gen) capital campaign. This visionary project will provide relief for our annual budget and pave the way for expanded ministry by:

  • Reducing our $1.57 million mortgage debt
  • Funding an earth-friendly geothermal heating and cooling system to replace the failing system in our original building

This important campaign comes at the start of an exciting new leg of our journey together at Church of the Servant. Not only are we celebrating our 40th anniversary as a congregation, but we’re also seeing the beginning of a transition in which our first generation of faithful servants is passing the baton to a new generation. It’s essential for Church of the Servant to be in a strong position to carry our mission and vision forward.

Learn about the campaign at Sunday afternoon events!

From 4:00 to 5:15 p.m. on four Sundays in September and October we’ll tell more about the campaign during parish gatherings in the café area. Good music, appetizers, laughter, and information will all be part of these events. Childcare will be provided in the nursery. If you can’t attend your parish event, please come a different Sunday!

Sept. 15 – Parishes 1, 2 and 3
Sept. 22 – Parishes 4 and 5
Oct. 6 – Parishes 7, 8 and 10
Sept. 29 – Parishes 6 and 9

Can’t attend a Gen2Gen event?

Learn much more about the campaign, including the benefits of geothermal, in these downloadable PDF documents:

About the Generation to Generation theme

“Generation to Generation” underscores the two parts of our campaign in that (a) by paying down on the debt, we’ll be putting Church of the Servant’s next generation in a strong position to carry on the church’s mission and (b) by using geothermal systems, we’ll be showing greater care for God’s creation in our energy generation for heating and cooling.

Next steps

Please think and pray about your participation in this important campaign. Only you know your ability to give to this project, but we encourage you to think big. The council and the campaign committee believe that Church of the Servant has the vision and financial capacity to complete this campaign successfully. Let’s work together to make this innovative effort a wonderful gift for future generations!

Please return your Generation to Generation pledge form by November 3, 2013.



Lori Wiersma, Minister of Administration
Tom McWhertor, Generation to Generation campaign committee chair
Mark Muyskens, HVAC team representative on Generation to Generation campaign committee