How do I place a bulletin announcement?

Contact the church office before 10:00 am on Thursday to have an announcement inserted in Sunday’s bulletin:

Phone: 616-956-7611
Fax: 616-956-3269

What do I do when it’s my turn to bring communion elements?

Specific instructions can be found on a laminated sheet in the hallway at the back (south side, across from Rooms 20 and 21) of the worship space. The instructions should be near the pitcher and chalice, but the basics are as follows:

  • Bring with you 3-4 large loaves of unsliced white or wheat bread and 1.5 liters of red wine.
  • Arrive at church 20-30 minutes before the service begins, and follow the instructions for preparing the elements. Ellen Westrate will assist you.
  • Bring the elements up to the communion table after the congregation is finished bringing offerings up to the front. Use middle aisle.
  • Remove leftover elements immediately following the service, and clean the communion table of crumbs or spills.
  • If you’re unable to bring the communion elements on your scheduled date, it is your responsibility to find a replacement and to notify the church office of the change.

What do I do when I have nursery duty?

Play with, read to, and enjoy the children! Please arrive in the nursery 15 minutes before the service begins. Help the children separate from their parents by involving them in interesting activities when they arrive. See the nursery coordinator if you have questions about nursery policies or procedures. If you’re unable to staff the nursery on your scheduled date, please find a replacement and notify the church office of the change.

What do I do when I have coffee duty?

Those assigned to coffee duty are together responsible for coffee and juice after the 8:30 am service. Coffee workers should:

  • Arrive 15 minutes before the end of the 8:30 am service (at 9:35 am).
  • Serve coffee, tea and juice after the service.
  • Clean up: wash the cups, spoons, coffee decanters, etc. Wipe the counters. Clean the coffee makers and try to save a pot of coffee for the latecomers!

If you’re unable to serve coffee on your scheduled date, it is your responsibility to find a replacement and to notify the church office of the change.