The Worshiping Community A number of people have asked me who those two new, young musicians are who have been...
Scripture texts and devional material written by members of Church of the Servant
Liturgy Lessons: Canticles
Canticles Astute observers will have noticed that in today’s liturgy we sang a song based on Isaiah 12:2-6 where we...
Liturgy Lessons: Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Just as the civic calendar begins a new cycle on January 1, the liturgical calendar begins with...
Liturgy Lessons: A COS Choir?
A COS Choir? My understanding of the history of Church of the Servant is that the church was established in...
Liturgy Lessons: Liturgy
Liturgy I was raised in a Pentecostal church. As you can imagine, we were always suspicious of liturgical worship. To...
Liturgy Lessons: The Law of the Lord, written on our hearts
The Law of the Lord: written on our hearts Stop what you’re doing right now and take this little test:...