On Thursday morning, September 4, 2008, Roger Verhulst entered heaven and the presence of the Lord. Our prayers are especially...
Church News
Partnering With Our Neighborhood
On two summer Sundays in 2008, July 27 and August 10, during the Adult Education hour, Rev. Naji Umran and...
Celebrating Jack Roeda's 25 Years at Church of the Servant
On Sunday, June 15, 2008, from 5:00-8:00pm, we had a special evening to honor Jack Roeda and reflect on Jack’s...
Pentecost 2008 Testimonies Service
This evening’s testimony service was focused on the theme of Pentecost. Members of COS reflected on their experience of the...
Policy on Children and Communion
(from a letter to the congregation written in January 1989) Dear Congregation of the Church of the Servant: You may...
Benjamin Fackler
Benjamin Fackler, beloved son of Mark & Ann, brother of Jon and Ted, died suddenly on Friday, April 4, 2008....
Cornelis (Kees) Van Nuis
Cornelis (Kees) Van Nuis, age 72, went home to his Redeemer on Thursday, February 7, 2008, following a long battle...
COS Feedback Blog
How do you feel communication between staff, council and the congregation could be improved?
Karen Carlson Muyskens
Karen Carlson Muyskens We at Church of the Servant grieve the death of Karen Carlson Muyskens, a dear member, and...
Interim Report of the Strategic Planning Task Force
Strategic Planning: A report on where we are today, and an invitation to respond The Church of the Servant, our...
Outreach ESL
Hands-on Outreach Recognizing our responsibility to our neighbors, we seek to reach out in love to our surrounding community in...