Christians for Prisoners/Prisoners for Christ is co-sponsoring with The Micah Center’s Beyond Prisons Work Group a talk by Adria Libolt about her book, A Deputy Warden’s Reflections on Prison Work. The event will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 13, at Hope Reformed Church (at the corner of Burton St. SE and Kalamazoo Ave. SE in Grand Rapids).
The book is a memoir describing Libolt’s experiences as a deputy warden in the Michigan Department of Corrections for more than 20 years. Libolt also served as a volunteer with Celebration Fellowship prison congregation and convened a returning citizens support group in East Lansing at River Terrace Church.

The talk is free; books will be available at a discounted price. For more information, call Carol at 464-6065 or 724-6772.