For a few years now, Cal Stapert and I have been threatening to plan a worship service using only the...
Basic English Liturgy
Plans are underway to begin a “Basic English Service” each week at COS that would serve those who are involved...
Ash Wednesday, ingredient list
The ashes are made from burning the palm branches used the previous year on Palm Sunday. They are stored in...
Worship Services: leaders' edition
This page includes anything a COS worship leader could ever want: links to song lists and liturgies, a list of...
2008 Lessons & Carols
Again this year, Church of the Servant prepared for Christmas with a service of lessons and carols, in which we...
Practice MP3s
The choir wants to make this Sunday’s Lessons & Carols service pretty, so they’re going to be listening to these...
Liturgy Lesson: Liturgical Germs
There are two kinds of people in church: those who say “I’m not dipping my bread into this cup after...
Thanks Be to God Our Savior
Here at Church of the Servant we have a little thing we do called the “Joyful Noise Orchestra,” or “JNO”...
Arabic Lord's Prayer
Among the many blessings we enjoy in worship at COS is our cultural diversity. (Yes, I know–it could be better....
Liturgy Lesson: Beneath the Tree of Life
When Ron Rienstra first showed me Marty Haugen’s song “Beneath the Tree of Life” I knew we had to sing...
Liturgy Lesson: Confessions of a Co-Pilot
A number of years ago it was in vogue for Christians to sport bumper stickers on their cars that said,...
Liturgy Lesson: Worship in Four Movements
Astute observers of Church of the Servant’s printed liturgy will notice four large-type words in each week’s liturgy: Gathering, Word,...