Sundays, 10-10:45 a.m. ……………………………………………… Jan. 9: Celebration Fellowship – Its Vision, Goals and Ministry Pastor-developer Rich Rienstra, along with volunteer...
COS Welcomes Lori Wiersma, Minister of Administration
Church of the Servant welcomes Lori Wiersma as our Minister of Administration. This new position oversees the entire administration of the...
December Adult Education Offerings
Sundays, 10-10:45 a.m. ………………………………………………. Dec. 5: Two Weeks in Palestine Barbara Carvill and Mary Vander Goot will reflect on their...
Advent & Christmastide Services
Dec. 5 – Sunday, Advent II 8:30 & 11:00am Rev. Jack Roeda – Professions of Faith 6:00pm “Promises Continued”* –...
October-November Adult Education Offerings
All offerings are scheduled on Sundays from 10-10:45 a.m. Fall Stewardship Series, continued: Oct. 10: Stewardship of the inner life:...
Fall ESL Classes: Open Registration
Our English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are now underway, but new students are always welcome. Classes meet on the following...
September and October Adult Education Offerings
All offerings are scheduled on Sundays from 10-10:45 a.m. Fall Stewardship Series: Sept. 12: Stewardship of the Gospel: What are...
All-Church Picnic & Campfire: Wednesday, Sept. 15
Reserve Wednesday, Sept. 15, for an all-church picnic to kick off the new season. We’ll enjoy a pig roast (with turkey...
Fall ESL Class Registration: Sept. 8 and 9
Registration for our fall English as a Second Language (ESL) classes will take place at the church building from 10-11:30...
Picnic at Camelot Woods: Saturday, Aug. 21
COS is organizing a picnic with our friends and neighbors across the street in Camelot Woods! Come join us this Saturday, Aug. 21,...
Summer ESL Classes: June 15-30 and July 13-28
New students are welcome at our summer English as a Second Language classes! Classes take place at the church building...
Sunday, June 20: World Communion of Reformed Churches Worship Service
Church of the Servant will not hold an evening worship service on Sunday, June 20. Instead, all are encouraged to participate in...