The last gathering in a series of four events explaining Church of the Servant’s Generation to Generation capital campaign took...
The last gathering in a series of four events explaining Church of the Servant’s Generation to Generation capital campaign took...
Our fall adult education sessions will follow the Church Matters sermon series. Dates, topics and leaders are as follows: Date...
Church of the Servant’s Generation to Generation (Gen2Gen) campaign will be launched on Sunday, Sept. 8, and everyone in our...
An epic adventure awaits kids at Kingdom Rock! This summer, plan to send your children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors to...
Beginning June 23, we will have one Sunday morning worship service in the sanctuary, at 10:00am. The Basic English Service...
March 24, Palm Sunday, 8:30 & 11:00am (nursery available, infants to age 3) The Palm Sunday worship service will begin...
Prisoners in Christ (a COS outreach ministry formerly called Christians for Prisoners/Prisoners for Christ) is participating in the Grand Rapids Justice Conference...
Church of the Servant has published its biannual update from the ministry staff. To read it, download a PDF copy...
Questions surrounding the intersection of modern science and the Christian faith have prompted scientists, philosophers, and theologians at Church of...
A summary of the Jan. 8, 2013, congregational information meeting has been distributed in member mailboxes. To read it online,...
Church of the Servant has published its annual update from the ministry staff. To read it, download a PDF copy...
How can we reconcile the creation accounts in Genesis with the findings of modern science? How can we engage in...