Team 78…welcome to the team!
The mission of our programs for youth is to provide a community which encourages growth in our Christian faith. Adult teams lead these ministries centered on prayer, worship, service, and fellowship. Youth are encouraged to be involved in the church at large as well as in activities planned specifically for them. We try to keep activity costs to a minimum; financial assistance is available if needed.
Team 78
Team 78 will meet on the first and third Sunday night of every month. During these nights students will be challenged to deepen their faith and their walk with Christ. Guest speakers will frequent these nights and group games, food, and small groups will also be a component of Team 78.
45 Ticks w/God (Church School)
During the Church School hour of 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM students will study topics from the new CRC “Walk With Me” curriculum such as, My Only Comfort, The Father: God for Me, Jesus:God with Me and the NOOMA Video series by Rob Bell. 45 Ticks w/God is also available for 6th grade students.
Destination Unknown
Destination Unknow meets the Wednesday between the 1st and 3rd Sunday of Team 78. Students are driven to an off-site location for a “hands-on” Bible study. These locations may include a courthouse, a cemetery, a funeral home, a fire house, a prison, etc. The Bible study will relate to the location.
Monthly Activities
These may include a trip to the zoo, an amusement park, a beach, Craig’s Cruisers, etc.
Mission Trips & Opportunities for Service
Fall Break Trip – Still in the planning stages, this would be a weekend trip to work in an urban area outside Chicago, similar to the Mississippi trip. Start Date unknown
Mission Trip – During the summer months our students may participate in any of many week-long service opportunities in places all across the U.S. and Canada. Locations vary from year to year.
Service Projects – Our students are involved with several organizations within our community doing painting, lawn care, and construction. We also participate in the ACCESS County Wide Food Drive.
Retreat – Planned for February 3, 4 & 5 2006. Camp Tall Turf
More information …
The Minister to Youth position is currently vacant.
For more information regarding our Middle High program you may contact Pastoral Resident MaraJoy Norden at 956-7611 ext. 23 or email
David Burch – Team 78 Adult Leader
Shane Roseveld – Team 78 Adult Leader
Mary Westrate – Team 78 Adult Leader