Dear Family and Friends,
Greetings in the precious name of Christ Jesus our Lord! Today is the 11th day of January 2010. At the beginning of 2009 I consecrated myself to the Lord in a way that I’ve practiced from the day I came to Christ. I offered myself to the Lord by praying, “Lord, take me to the next level of your calling for my life. Amen.” I would like to share some of the ways that God has remained faithful.
I arrived at Newberry Correctional Facility on September 6, 2008. I was reunited with Eddie, an El Salvadorian national and a fellow laborer for Christ. We would walk the yard every night under the start-filled skies sharing the ways we’ve seen the Lord at work throughout the days. We would often seek the Lord’s will regarding our purpose for being at Newberry. We knew there was a purpose, but it took some time for it to become clear what that purpose was. One thing we were certain of is this: the presence of the Lord is thick here at Newberry but there are many who are unable to perceive it.
Eddie and I would meet with a group of about 15 brothers in Christ for a time of Bible study and fellowship in the outfield of the softball field. Sometimes these meetings would grow throughout the night to the point where the officers would have us break the groups up. There’s a brother named Johnathan who has been leading these meetings here for the past two years. Rain, sleet or snow, he can be found standing under the lamp post in the middle of the softball field at 6:45 p.m.
Keryx #1 just ended the day before I arrived and the afterglow of the glory of the Lord was still present. It was awesome to experience. You could see the joy of the Lord on the faces of many men and you could literally distinguish those who were Christians from those who are not.
The worship services are awesome. This was the first opportunity I’ve had within prison to worship with a congregation averaging 100 members weekly. It was a refreshing change for my soul and enlightening to my eyes that God is truly at work within the prisons – the smoke of the glory of the Lord is here. And where there is smoke, there is fire. Today we are in the season where we are fanning the flame that the Lord has ignited within His church.
In late February I was called upon to serve as a deacon of the church at Newberry. I’ve learned a lot about what it takes for a church to operate. It takes committed workers. From the pastor to the new believer, everyone has a necessary role to play – from teaching to learning and everything in between. We still have a long way to go here. Over the past year we have seen good and difficult days. The good have truly overshadowed the turbulent. Peaks and valleys, and without them we would never grow, so we thank God for the perfecting of our faith.
In March ’09 Newberry hosted Keryx #2. Thirty-six candidates, eighteen insides (prisoner) team members, and thirty-three outside team members participated in the first of two weekend that would leave their mark on Newberry for all of eternity.
For both Keryx #2 and #3 (Sept. 09) I was selected to serve as head Cha-Cho and lay meditation presenter. In Nov. 2009 I was called to teach the Intercessory Prayer group. I believe this is the next level of God’s calling for my life into which He has brought me. I have always been a believer in prayer and the power of faith. But God is showing me many great things about prayer which I had never known. He has called me to live by faith this year. I thought I had been living by faith until God gave this instruction.
Our Intercessory Prayer team is made up of 20 men on average. We meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:45-8:45 p.m. During this time we pray for requests that are submitted from members of the church and of the prison population. In this season the Holy Spirit has been sending word after word that is leading us deeper into prayer. It has been preached during our church services, in our Bible studies and the people have a genuine desire to pray. Our primary focus is on the transformation of Newberry. Many of us believe that a great move of God is going to take place here at Newberry this year. We are praying that God would send laborers who will help the church reach the population which has been jaded by prison religion.
I have become more and more dependent upon God, to hear His voice to be led by His Spirit and to know His Word. So I might lead the prayer group to the appointed place at God’s appointed time where we will experience the fullness of his presence, and receive an abundance of His power so we might fulfill His purpose for our lives, beginning here at Newberry.
As 2009 has ended and 2010 begun, I pray that God would help us live by His faith. I believe that God is going to do great things this year. I wait with eager anticipation.
Another thing I would like to share with you is that I have never been one to focus of the return of Christ and the end of the world as we know it. However, the Lord has turned my heart and focused my attention solely upon the importance of preparing for his return for Christ’s Church. I am not saying it will be this day or this year, but what I would encourage you all to do is to live each day as though it were your last opportunity to live for the Lord. Love people, be compassionate and kind and waste no opportunity that the Lord presents to introduce someone to His son. Show them Christ. Too many people are talking about Jesus and the many things they believe, but consider these words:
“When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on this glorious throne. Before Him will be gathered all the nations, and He will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right and the goats on the Left. Then the King will say to those on his right, “Come you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me. Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you. Or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you? And then the King will answer them, “Truly, I say to you. As you did it to one of the least of these, my brothers, you did it to me.” Matt 25:31-40
In conclusion, I want to thank you all for your faithful support of CfP/PfC. This year we celebrated the first year of growth at Celebration Fellowship congregation at Bellamy Creek. We have welcomed brothers from prisons back into society where God is already using them to make a positive impact. And God has surely been glorified in our desire to see prisons become transformed into houses of praise. I pray that the Father continues to pour out His blessings upon your lives in all that you do for Him. This truly is a time for God to rain down His best upon His children so we might reach our greatest potential. Blessed be the Lord!
In Christ’s Love,
P.S. These are some things the Lord has laid on my heart to pursue by prayer for 2010. If you would like to become involved in any of these areas of ministry, please pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you. Feel free to write to me and share your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, or your interest to join with me.
- I’m praying that the Lord would open doors for laborers to come to Newberry Correctional Facility and even to the entire Department of Corrections – professional Christian people of all creeds and colors. Prison policy permits opportunity for public speakers and /or entertainment to access the prison population. Maybe you are a public speaker or have a presentation to make that would help lead the prisoners in a new way of thinking. Maybe you could offer some sort of information that would be beneficial to them regarding time they will spend in prison or what they will do when they are released, Here are some examples:
- hold a book fair
- host a seminar on how to connect or stay connected with our children
- trainings on correspondence with ministries, Bible studies, education etc.
- motivational speaker
- cultural celebration such as Cinco de Mayo
- entertainer – musical; theatrical
- seminars for small business future planning; living life on the inside
- Since I have been at Newberry CfP/PfC has purchased and sent over 50 Bibles and religious books to prisoners. We are seeking to update our theological library. We are looking for reference books, sermon series and contemporary and gospel worship music (on cassette tape only. You may have old cassettes that you would like to donate. )
- I need a partner in ministry – someone on the outside who will work with me hand in hand to advance the gospel within the prisons and visit with me bi-monthly and/or remain in regular contact through mail or telephone.
- I have a vision for a radio ministry to the prisons. Are you interested in broadcast radio? I would like to share this vision you.
- Prisoners need a place to go when they are released from prison. I have a vision for this would you like to help keep society safe while helping prisoners become successful in life and maintain their freedom. I would like to work with you.
- I’m praying that there would be a convention sometime this year where everyone who is active in prison ministry can assemble to seek the plan of God and discuss the direction of ministry they’ve been called to. Recently, correspondence outreach volunteer religious volunteer etc. Too often prison ministries operate independently of each other. If the church would only recognize the benefit of working in partnership with one another, how much more effective would we become:
If any of these goals have sparked your interest, please feel free to write directly to me via snail mail or e-mail or
Sometime the most you can do is the least you can do! Please continue to pray through this year for me and for the church at Newberry. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Gospel. Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord.